Abreviações utilizadas em texto de email

  • CC – carbon copy (when you send a copy of a letter to more than one person, you use this abbreviation to let them know)
  • ASAP – as soon as possible
  • ENC  – enclosure (when you include other papers with your letter)
  • PP - per procurationem (a Latin phrase meaning that you are signing the letter on somebody else’s behalf; if they are not there to sign it themselves, etc.)
  • PS - postscript (when you want to add something after you’ve finished and signed it)
  • PTO -  (informal) - please turn over (to make sure that the other person knows the letter continues on the other side of the page)
  • RSVP - please reply
  • FIO – for your information only (to show that it is being sent to someone in order to give them information, and they are not expected to reply or take any action)